The 3DO Company Army Men(TM): Toys in Space(TM) Demo Version 1.0 October 8, 1999 ........................................... 1) Notes 2) System Requirements 3) Installation 4) Key Features 5) Multi-Player Games 6) Technical Issues 7) DirectX(TM) And You 8) Purchasing 3DO Software 9) Contacting 3DO Customer Support ........................................... 1) Notes Welcome to the Army Men: Toys in Space demo. Army Men: Toys in Space features even more combat action with everyone's favorite plastic figures. This Readme file contains some general information about this demo. It also has other useful imformation about this title and other 3DO topics. ........................................... 2) System Requirements - Windows 95/98 - Pentium 90 minimum; (Pentium 133 recommended) - 16MB RAM; (32MB recommended) - 4X CD-ROM drive - DirectX 6 compatible sound and video cards - 150MB minimum hard disk space - Peripherals: Keyboard, Mouse - Multi-Player: TCP/IP, IPX, LAN, Modem to Modem, and direct Serial connections (28.8kpbs or better required for modem play; Internet Service Provider required for internet play) In order to play the game, you will need to have DirectX version 6.1 (or later) installed on your computer. For information on how to find out if your drivers are current please refer to our support page, or if you would like to download DirectX directly from Microsoft, ........................................... 3) Installation To install the game simply double-click on the amtisdemo.exe executable (you have probably done that already if you are reading this file). The installer prompts you to specify the Program Folder in which to create the "Army Men Toys in Space Demo" Program Folder. The default Program Folder is "3DO". To run the game after installation use the Start menu to navigate to the "Army Men Toys in Space Demo" Program Folder and click on the icon named "Army Men Toys in Space Demo". To uninstall the demo use the Start menu to navigate to the "Army Men Toys in Space Demo" Program Folder and click on the icon named "Uninstall Army Men Toys in Space Demo". ........................................... 4) Key Features The demo allows you to play one single player campaign mission by pressing the "Campaign" button on the main menu. The demo also includes one Multi-player map that you can play either against the computer (by selecting "Battle" from the main menu) or against other people (by selecting "Multi-player" from the main menu). Here are some key game features that you should keep in mind while playing the Army Men: Toys in Space demo: The game view is split into two major areas: the viewport where you see a view of the world and the dashboard which contains buttons plus the strategic map. **********SELECTING UNITS VIA THE VIEWPORT********** How to select Sarge: Left-click on Sarge. How to select other units: Left-click on any of your units on the screen. How to select multiple units: Hold down the control key and drag a rectangle with the left mouse button over the units you want to select. How to deselect units: Hold down the control key and click on an empty area in the viewport. Alternatively click on an empty squad slot in the dashboard. *********SELECTING UNITS VIA THE DASHBOARD********** How to select Sarge with the dashboard interface: Left-click on the first SQUADS button in the SQUADS portion of the dashboard. This will select Sarge and the members in his squad (if he has any). Sarge is always the first group; look for the Sarge Stripes! Left-click on his SELECTED UNIT icon (this is always the first slot if Sarge is selected). Press F1. This will select Sarge and the members in his squad (if he has any). Left-click on Sarge's current weapon. Unless it is a special use weapon (such as a medkit) this will select and center on Sarge. How to select and deselect units with the dashboard interface: To select only one unit from the Currently selected units, left-click on any Unit icon in the SELECTED UNITS section. To deselect, control-left-click on any SELECTED UNIT. How to select squads with the dashboard interface: Left-click on any of the SQUADS slots. - Sarge is always the leader of Squad 1. - Each slot will have an icon of the squad leader's weapon. How to make squads with the dashboard interface: First, be sure to have the units you want already selected in the SELECTED UNITS section and that the selection leader (the first in the SELECTED UNITS section) is the unit that you want to be squad leader. Then: Right-click on any of the SQUADS slots in the dashboard. - If the slot is empty a new squad will be created. - If a squad already exists in that slot, the SELECTED UNITS will be added to the squad. NOTE: You cannot put Sarge in any other squad. Sarge is always the leader of Squad 1. **********MOVING SELECTED UNITS or SQUADS********** Mouse driven: Right-clicking a destination on the game viewport while any number of units is selected will make the units move to that destination. To make the selection leader fire, move your cursor over or near an enemy and left-click. Alternatively, holding the right mouse button down and dragging it while one or more units are selected will provide manual-style control. The selection leader will move wherever you drag the mouse icon. Left- clicking in this mode will fire the selection leaders current weapon. Keyboard driven: The default (They are user configurable) controls will allow you take manual-style control of Sarge (or any unit and squad). To fire, you can still use the mouse or press the spacebar. NOTE: You may find that a combination of both input devices works best. *********FIRING A WEAPON********** Any of the following methods can be used to fire: · Press the Left Mouse button (as long as the cursor is not on one of your units) · Press the Spacebar **********ADDITIONAL INFORMATION about the Interface for Army Men: Toys in Space********** Strategic map: You can move the game viewport via the strategic map by using the mouse to move the small frame inside this screen. You can order the selected units to a destination on the strategic map by right clicking on the map. Centering the game viewport on Sarge or any other units: 1. Push the function key that selects this units squad twice. The Function keys (F1-F12) correspond to squads 1 to 12. (Only squad 1 to 6 are represented on the dashboard in the SQUADS section). F1 will always select Sarge's squad so pressing F1 twice will center on Sarge. 2. Click any SQUAD or SELECTED UNIT button twice. NOTES: * Whenever Sarge is not directly controlled by the user, he will operate under AI control. * Selecting Sarge and having direct control of him are two distinct phases in the selection process. **********OTHER USEFUL INFROMATION********** Dropping Items: If Sarge's inventory is full, and you wish to make room for some other type of Power- Ups, you can have Sarge drop items. Sarge can drop any items except for his Rifle, or any Rifle upgrades (like the Machine Gun or Vulcan Cannon). Just right click on the item that you want to drop in Sarge's inventory. The item will appear on the ground at Sarge's feet. If you decide that you want the original Power-Up after all, you can pick it up again just by having Sarge walk over it. Retracting Dashboard: If you find that you want to increase the size of the viewable game screen area, it is possible to retract the Dashboard on the right side of the screen. Simply click on the vertical bar on the far right side of the screen (the bar that has Sarge's health meter on it), and the Dashboard will retract. Click on the bar again, and the Dashboard will expand. **********SUMMARY OF CONTROLS********** Mouse operations in viewport ---------------------------- The mouse is used for four main things in the viewport: SELECT, ORDER, MOVE and FIRE. left click (unless selectable unit under cursor) = FIRE weapon at enemy unit left click (when selectable unit under cursor) = SELECT unit CTRL + left click = toggle selection of units under cursor SHIFT + left click = add unit under cursor to selection CTRL + left click and drag = SELECT units in rectangle SHIFT + left click and drag = add units in rectangle to selection left click and hold (when not over a friendly unit) = auto FIRE weapon at cursor if autofire or AIM weapon if not right click (unless one of the following 2 cases) = ORDER selected units to position right click (when cursor is over out of range enemy unit and in attack mode) = ORDER selected units to follow right click (when over a vehicle that can be entered) = ORDER select units to enter vehicle right click and hold = MOVE towards cursor right click and hold + left click = while moving FIRE weapon at cursor right click and hold + left click and hold = if autofire, then FIRE weapon at cursor while moving otherwise stop and aim Mouse operations in dash ------------------------ The mouse operations in the dash depend on area of the dash the cursor is in. Strategic Map: left click = re-center the viewport on this position on the map left click and drag = drag the green rectangle around the stratmap, dynamically re-centering viewport right click = ORDER selected units to this position on the map Sarge's Inventory: left click (when weapon under cursor is not current weapon) = make this weapon current weapon left click (when weapon under cursor is current weapon) = fire weapon if one of: medkit, wrench, recon, disguise, otherwise select Sarge and center on him. right click = drop weapon under cursor Squads: left click (when squad under cursor is not selected) = select squad left click (when squad under cursor is selected) = re-center viewport to center on squad leader SHIFT + left click = add this squad to selection CTRL + left click = toggle the selection of this squad right click = add selected units to this squad Selected Units: left click (when several units selected ) = make this the only unit selected left click (when one unit selected) = re-center viewport on this unit left click (on crew member of selected vehicle) = exit vehicle CTRL + left click (when several units selected ) = remove unit from selection right click = make this unit the selection leader AI Mode: left click = set all selected units to this AI mode Keyboard controls ----------------- The following keys can be customized on the "Controls" screen. These are the default settings: w = forward (run for troopers, drive forward for vehicles) w + ALT = walk forward s = backward a = turn left d = turn right q = roll left e = roll right c = if standing then kneel, if kneeling then go prone f = dive space = fire weapon tab = change Sarge's current weapon to next in his inventory ` = drop Sarge's current weapon x = exit vehicle t = set selected units AI mode to Attack y = set selected units AI mode to Defend g = set selected units AI mode to Stand Fire h = set selected units AI mode to Hold Fire backspace = put cursor in chat window (all key presses then go to chat until Enter pressed) m = display briefing screen (not available in demo) b = select Sarge n = select all units The following keys are fixed and cannot be customized: F1-12 = select the squad of the same number Shift+F1-12 = add members of this squad to the selection Ctrl+F1-12 = add the selected units to this squad 1-6 (not on numeric keypad) = select a weapon in Sarges inventory ........................................... 5) Multi-Player Games Playing against computer-controlled opponents is certainly challenging but nothing beats the excitement and unpredictability of playing against other human opponents. When participating in a multi-player game, one player is designated the Host. The Host is responsible for initiating the game. The remaining players are Guests and join the Host's game. Starting a Multi-Player Game To start a Multi-player game, click the Multi-player button on the Game Start menu. There are four types of multi-player game connections: IPX, TCP/IP, Modem, and Serial. TCP/IP or IPX games can have up to four players. Modem and Serial games can have only two. o Setting Up an IPX Game Players must be connected to an IPX or IPX-compatible network. o Setting Up a TCP/IP Game Players must be connected to the Internet via their ISP (Internet Service Provider). The Host must provide his ISP address to those wanting to join the game. To find out your IP address: 1. Click on the Windows Start button. On the Start menu, click Run. 2. Type winipcfg in the text box provided. 3. Click Ok. o Setting Up a Modem game Both players must have Windows compatible modems. The Host should make sure that the other player knows the phone number of the Host's modem. When the Guest player selects Modem Connection, the dialing interface pops up. Enter the phone number of the Host's modem. o Setting Up A Serial Game Each player should know what communications port they are Connecting through (e.g., COM1, COM2, etc). Hosting A Multi-Player Game To Host a multi-player game, follow the instructions below: 1. Click Multi-Player on the Game Start menu to go to the Comm. Channel Select screen. Any DirectPlay service providers you have installed are displayed at this time. 2. Click on the type of connection you want (IPX, Internet TCP/IP, Modem, or Serial) then click Select. 3. Click Start A War. Enter your Battle and Player names, then click Ok or click Cancel to return to the Game Start menu. Clicking Ok brings up the Multi-Player Host Panel. Player names appear in green on the Player List if the connection has a low latency. They appear in yellow for medium latency connections and in red for high latency connections. High latency can result in game pauses and/or player drop-outs. When all players are ready, click Start to begin the game. Your first task is to begin placing your units on the map. Refer to the section entitled Deploying Your Forces for more information. Joining A Multi-Player Game Players joining a game being hosted by someone else are referred to as Guests. To join a multi-player game as a Guest, follow the instructions below: 1. Click Multi-Player on the Game Start menu to go to the Comm. Channel Select screen. Any DirectPlay service providers you have installed are dis-played at this time. 2. Click on the type of connection you want (IPX, Internet TCP/IP, Modem, or Serial) then click on the Select button. 3. Click Join A War. Enter your player name, then click Ok or click Cancel to return to the Game Start menu. Clicking Ok brings up the Choose A Battle screen. 4. When the Choose a Battle screen appears, click on the game you want to join. Enter your player name in the appropriate box then click Ok. If you are joining a game through a TCP/IP connection, enter the IP address of the host's computer when the Locate Session screen appears. Click Ok to continue. Multi-Player Chat Players send text messages to one another while setting up a game and while a game is in progress. To send a message while setting up a game, move your mouse cursor over the Communications message window and start typing. Press the Enter key to send the message. Any message you send appears in the message window (in your color) and is visible to all. To send messages during a game, press the Backspace key then type out your message. Messages are visible to all players both friendly and enemy. If you want to send a message that only your team members can see, click Secure Message first. Multi-Player Host Panel The Multi-Player Host Panel contains your set-up options. It is the same screen used by the Host when setting up a multi-player game. When you are finished, click on Start to begin. Player: You can face up to three computer-controlled opponents. To add opponents, toggle the boxes to Computer. To remove opponents, toggle the boxes to Open. Color: Choose the color used to represent yourself and your opponents. Team: (Optional) Assign each player a team. Players on the same team are considered allies. For a greater challenge, try putting three computer opponents on the same team. Plastic: Set the amount of plastic each player has to buy units with at the beginning of each game. You can use this to give yourself or the computer an advantage. Game Type: Choose from a number of different multi-player games. Each has a unique set of rules and objectives. Rules of Engagement: Game rules for the type of game you selected are displayed here. Communications: The Communications window is not used in single player Battle games. (There's no one to talk to.) Goal: Set the number of points needed to win the game. Raise this number to increase the length of the game. Map: Select the particular map on which the battle will be fought. A view of the map is in the display area underneath. The Options button gives you access to the Multi-Player Options screen. This screen allows you to change the play of the game by including or excluding various power-ups. For more information see the Multi-Player Options Screen information in the Multi-Player section below. Multi-Player Guest Panel Once you have joined the Host's game you are given an opportunity to make limited game decisions on the Multi-player Guest Panel. The Host has the highest priority in selecting a color and team icon. Guests are given priority based on the order that they entered the game. Click Ready to let the Host and other Guests know that you are ready to start the game. Once all the Guest players have clicked Ready , the Host can start the game. Wait for the selected map to load. Your first task is to begin placing your units on the map. Refer to the section entitled Deploying Your Forces for more information. ........................................... 6) Technical Issues This section addresses known hardware conflicts with this title. If you are using a Hercules Terminator 3D/DX (Virge/DX) video card, and are using the latest drivers available from Hercules, you may experience random crashes or lockups. This problem can be fixed by installing the latest S3 reference drivers for that Virge/DX chipset. You can download these drivers from S3's website ( If you have a #9 Ticket To Ride VI video card, you may experience some flickering when you bring up the in-game pause menu. Also, while the game is transitioning from one level to the next, your screen may be blank. Give the level a few seconds to load, then press the space bar. You should be able to continue the game normally. This demo is known to have a conflict with Winamp. Please make sure that you do not have Winamp, or any other applications running while you are playing this demo. ........................................... 7) DirectX(TM) And You Army Men: Toys in Space uses Microsoft's DirectX API. DirectX depends on having up to date hardware drivers for your video card and other hardware devices, such as your mouse, sound card or network card. If you are having difficulty with Army Men displays (screen flickers during game play, Sarge leaving a trail of dots) or other hardware (erratic mouse movement or choppy sound) try updating your drivers. The latest drivers can usually be found on the hardware manufacturer's web site. If you try updating your drivers and still experience problems, please refer to the Customer Support section of the game manual, or contact 3DO Customer Support (See the "Contacting 3DO Customer Support" section of this Readme). ........................................... 8) Purchasing 3DO Software You can order 3DO software from 3DO through our order web page at, or you can call the 3DO Direct line at (800) 336-3506, or outside the United States at (650) 261-3227. ........................................... 9) Contacting 3DO Customer Support For technical problems or questions: 3DO Customer Support Website: (includes an email question form) Phone: Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Time, at (650) 261-3454. Fax number: (650) 261-3419. E-mail: ........................................... Copyright 1999 The 3DO Company. All Rights Reserved. 3DO, Army Men, Toys in Space, Real Combat. Plastic Men., and their respective logos, are trademarks and/or service marks of the 3DO Company in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks belong to their respective owners.